Ronald McClure

Full Name:
Ronald Joseph McClure
Registration Number:
Current Status:
Designated Electoral District:
District 8

Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct

Practice Information


Primary Practice

4030 Montrose Rd Niagara Falls, ON, CA L2H 3E1
(905) 356-2444
Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide All Practice Locations

All Practice Locations

  • 4030 Montrose Rd Niagara Falls, ON, CA L2H 3E1
    (905) 356-2444
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:

Academic Information


Dental Degree

University of Toronto, Canada

This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.

Certificate(s) of Registration


Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance


Previous Certificate(s) of Registration


Initial Date of Registration

Sedation & Anesthesia Details


Sedation Administration Authorization

Minimal Oral

Complaints & Reports Outcomes


Case File: 190077

Decision Date:
June 24, 2021

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
A hands-on course(s) in restorative dentistry
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of course in restorative dentistry.

Case File: 190201

Decision Date:
October 29, 2021

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
Crown and Bridge Treatment
Current Status:
Required Course
Proper Use of Antibiotics in Dentistry
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses in Proper Use of Antibiotics in Dentistry and Crown and Bridge Treatment.

Case File: 190306

Decision Date:
October 07, 2021


Current Status:
As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Ronald Joseph McClure as follows:

• As a dentist and a member of the profession, your priority is to serve the dental needs of your patients. Although you may be met with obstacles in either your personal life or professional career, it is your obligation to ensure that your patients’ needs are not neglected.

• The panel is disappointed that you are the subject of another complaint before the ICR Committee in which there are serious concerns with your clinical skills and recordkeeping practices. In this case, the panel observed concerns leading back to years of treatment, and is disappointed to conclude that you have failed to meet the standards expected of the profession.

• Any person reviewing the clinical records should know, in detail, what treatment and patient discussions had occurred. Your records fell far below the standard expected of a professional. The lack of detail and omissions in your records are seriously concerning.

• You should reflect on the seriousness of the panel’s concerns. You should diligently and consistently incorporate the lessons learned from the courses ordered by the Discipline and ICR Committees such that your practice will be remediated.

Discipline Results


Case File: H170014

Date of Decision:


  • Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
  • Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
  • Failed to make reasonable attempts to collect a co-payment balance from patient(s) without consent of third-party payer
  • Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
  • Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
  • Treated without consent
Reasons for Decision
Decision Summary

Case File: H150015

Date of Decision:


  • Charged excessive or unreasonable fees
  • Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
  • Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
  • Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
  • Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College
  • Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
  • Submitted a false or misleading account or charge


  • $10000 to be paid to College
  • Imposed Course/Training - didactic course in endodontic diagnosis, treatment planning, restorability of teeth and referral
  • Imposed Course/Training - recordkeeping
  • Imposed Course/Training - didactic course on restorative dentistry, including diagnosis and treatment planning
  • Imposed Course/Training - informed consent
  • Imposed Course/Training - professional/problem-based ethics
  • Imposed Mentoring Program in Endodontic treatment and extractions - mentor to review and approve all treatment
  • Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits) - for 24 months following completion of courses, at member's expense
  • Reprimand
  • Suspension 6 months - effective Nov 14, 2018 to May 13, 2019
Reasons for Decision
Decision Summary

This information was obtained from the register of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (