Frequently Asked Questions - Infection Prevention and Control

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IPAC special considerations (including COVID-19)


As of July 19, 2023 the College’s Covid-19 specific guidance for in person care has been rescinded (see the message to the membership).  

While this is an important step to reduce the burden of additional precautions on dental practices, it does not mean that dentists no longer have IPAC responsibilities with respect to Covid-19. These ongoing responsibilities can broadly be categorized as follows:  

The FAQs that follow include both categories of responsibilities.  

Where other authorities have Covid-specific guidance, the College has included that guidance here to assist dentists in meeting their ongoing responsibilities to those authorities. Dentists are advised that guidance-specific questions and interpretations are best addressed to the relevant authoring authority (for example, questions about PHO recommendations can be addressed to PHO directly).  

IPAC and the operatory



Staff education & training, delegation, roles & responsibilities, protocols, audits

Waste disposal, including sharps, and eyewash stations

Public Health Ontario