The College By-Laws state that all annual sedation authorizations and sedation facility permits expire annually on March 31st.

All dentists who want to maintain their annual sedation authorization and/or sedation facility permits must renew them each year before March 31st.

This does not apply to provisional sedation authorizations.

Annual sedation authorizations and facility permits are renewed online through the RCDSO Portal.

The College will launch the annual sedation renewal approximately 8 weeks prior to March 31st.

All dentists who have an annual sedation authorization or hold a sedation facility permit will receive an email from the College when the sedation renewal applications are available through the Portal. The College also posts this information on Twitter and LinkedIn

The College does not send out any notices relating to sedation renewal by mail or courier.

All communications, including cancellation notices, will be sent to the dentist’s email address that is on file with the College. All dentists are required to ensure their contact information is up to date in their member portal, including their email address.

Continuing to administer sedation past the expiry date on your annual sedation authorization and/or sedation facility permit may constitute as professional misconduct.

It is important that you provide accurate information through the renewal application. The renewal application will form part of your file with the College.

For more information on sedation renewal refer to the Sedation Renewal Guide and FAQ below. You can also contact 

      Frequently asked questions