Lun Hangfu

Full Name:
Lun Chau Hangfu
Registration Number:
Current Status:
Designated Electoral District:
District 11

Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct

Practice Information


Primary Practice

1655 Dufferin St #100 Toronto, ON, CA M6H 3L9
(416) 653-5335
Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide All Practice Locations

All Practice Locations

  • 1655 Dufferin St #100 Toronto, ON, CA M6H 3L9
    (416) 653-5335
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide Professional Corporation Information

Professional Corporation Information

  • Dr. Lun Hangfu Dentistry Professional Corporation 1655 Dufferin St #100 Toronto, ON, CA M6H 3L9 Phone: 416-653-5335
    Certificate of Authorization Status:
    Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
    May 14, 2011

Academic Information


Dental Degree

University of Toronto, Canada

This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.

Certificate(s) of Registration


Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance


Previous Certificate(s) of Registration


Initial Date of Registration

Discipline Results


Case File: 21-0716

Date of Decision:


  • Charged excessive or unreasonable fees
  • Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
  • Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
  • Recommended or provided an unnecessary dental service
  • Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
  • Submitted a false or misleading account or charge


  • $10000 to be paid to College
  • Imposed Course/Training a billing course, including: proper use of billing codes and use of insurance; and proper use of ODA fee guide.
  • Imposed Course/Training a one-on-one ethics and professionalism course related to billing
  • Imposed Course/Training a one-on-one recordkeeping course
  • Imposed Course/Training hands on restorative course, including: treatment planning; taking appropriate radiographs; when and why radiographic evidence is required for treatment planning; and placement of fillings, including sedative fillings Must obtain an unconditional pass
  • Imposed Mentoring Program Imposed mentoring on treatment planning, all restorations, appropriate billing and record keeping Meet Monthly – no less than 6 mentoring sessions Initial mentoring report due within 30 days of being retained and every month thereafter To include: Date Length of mentoring session Cases reviewed Recommendations made pre-treatment Assessment of post-treatment Comments made regarding progress, cooperation, ability to meet standards and concerns if any
  • Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits) Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses and Mentoring program
  • Reprimand
  • Suspension - effective Oct 08, 2022 to Mar 08, 2023

Terms, Conditions and Limitations In Effect

Status: In Effect
Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits)
  • Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses and Mentoring program
In Effect Since:
Reasons for Decision
Decision Summary

This information was obtained from the register of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (