Mark Kochman

Full Name:
Mark Alan Kochman
Registration Number:
Current Status:
Designated Electoral District:
District 9

Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct

Practice Information


Primary Practice

Wilson Family Dental Toronto

343 Wilson Ave #200 Toronto, ON, CA M3H 1T1
Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide All Practice Locations

All Practice Locations

  • Wilson Family Dental Toronto
    343 Wilson Ave #200 Toronto, ON, CA M3H 1T1
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide Professional Corporation Information

Professional Corporation Information

  • Dr. Mark Kochman Dentistry Professional Corporation 343 Wilson Ave #200 Toronto, ON, CA M3H 1T1 Phone: (416) 233-9454
    Certificate of Authorization Status:
    Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
    May 04, 2020

Academic Information


Dental Degree

University of Toronto, Canada

This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.

Certificate(s) of Registration


Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance


Initial Date of Registration

Sedation & Anesthesia Details


Sedation Administration Authorization

Minimal Nitrous Oxide/Oral Sedation

Pending Discipline


Case File: 23-0842

Date of Referral to the Discipline Committee:
Current Status:
Pending (to be scheduled)


  • Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
  • Engaged in the practise of dentistry where the member had a conflict of interest
Notice of Hearing

Case File: 24-0405

Date of Referral to the Discipline Committee:
Current Status:
Pending (to be scheduled)


  • Contravened a standard of practice or failed to maintain the standards of practice of the profession
  • Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
Notice of Hearing

Case File: 24-0769

Date of Referral to the Discipline Committee:
Current Status:
Pending (to be scheduled)


  • Abuse of a patient
  • Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
  • Sexual abuse of a patient
Notice of Hearing

Complaints & Reports Outcomes


Case File: 140499

Decision Date:
October 22, 2017


Current Status:
As a result of its investigation of a formal complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Mark Kochman as follows:

•    It is inappropriate and unprofessional for a member of the College to associate himself in a professional capacity with an organization if he does not know how the organization works. Conduct of this sort reflects poorly on the integrity of the dental profession. In this case, Dr. Kochman was affiliated with a “grant” organization about which he professed no knowledge, although his name, photograph and biography were on the organization’s website and he had patients who were told they had been awarded “grants” by this organization.

•    It is inappropriate and unprofessional for Dr. Kochman to accept referrals from an organization run by his wife without him disclosing the nature of that relationship to all prospective patients referred by that organization. 

•    Dr. Kochman should ensure that any organization with which he has a professional affiliation or association only publicize information about him that adheres to the College’s Practice Advisory on “Professional Advertising.” Given that Dr. Kochman has been given direction by the College in the past about his advertising practices, he should be especially diligent about this.

•    When quoting fees to patients, Dr. Kochman should be as transparent as possible. He should distinguish between his professional fees and any laboratory or materials fees associated with recommended treatment. This facilitates proper informed consent discussions with patients about the costs of treatment, particularly but not only if the fees quoted are above those listed in the Ontario Dental Association’s recommended fee guide.

•    Including a provision in a “final release” for a refund or other payment asking a patient not to “contact, notify, file a complaint with, report to, or inform” the College about anything related to a member is unprofessional. The College expects its members to be accountable with respect to their professional obligations and standards of care.

•    Dr. Kochman should be extremely mindful about making subjective comments about the appearance of patients, such as about whether they are “beautiful.” Patients may interpret any such comments as violating appropriate dentist-patient boundaries, and the College directs dentists to consider the patient’s perspective in its Practice Advisory, “Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Boundary Violations.” Moreover, comments about making a patient beautiful “again” are considered an inappropriate way to entice patients to undergo more treatment than they might otherwise choose.

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
Professional Ethics
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of Ethics course 
Current Status:
SCERP – Required review and pre-approval of advertisements
Member must submit all promotional material to the College for pre-approval, for a period of 24 months.

Terms, Conditions and Limitations In Effect

Status: In Effect
Voluntary Practice Restriction
  • Must cease all participation in the Cosmetic Dentistry Grant Program, its parent company or other related entities, or any other private grant,subsidy,or similar org./program related to dentistry
In Effect Since:
Voluntary Practice Restriction
  • Must ensure that all information about or pertaining to him, incl. his biography, has been removed from the website of the Cosmetic Dentistry Grant Program and/or parent company or related entities
In Effect Since:
Voluntary Practice Restriction
  • Must honour existing financial estimates/agreements for any patients with "grants" through the Cosmetic Dentistry Program
In Effect Since:

Case File: 200410

Decision Date:
October 03, 2022


Current Status:
As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Mark Kochman as follows: 

The Committee is seriously concerned by your treatment in this matter. The Committee strongly considered referring you to the Discipline Committee. You displayed lack of professional judgment in treating a 60-year-old patient for over 15 hours. You dismissed the results of a CANARAY scan, leading to predictably failed implants and damage to adjacent teeth. You failed to consider the potential impacts of high amounts of anaesthetic dosages. Ensure that you are more careful and thoughtful moving forward. Take age and medical history into account when determining the appropriate length and staging of treatment. Be cautious when determining what treatment you are capable of providing and what should be referred to specialists. The Committee expects you to incorporate the lessons from this decision and your remediation program into your practice.

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
A hands-on course in implant dentistry, covering the following topics:
o Diagnosis and treatment planning
o Case selection
o Implant design and selection
o Prosthetic design
o Occlusal considerations
o Material selection
o Principles of osseointegration
o Indications and contraindications for implant dentistry
o Appropriate imaging including use of CbCT
o Diagnostic records and case work-up
o Use of surgical and radiographic guides
o Interdisciplinary communication, when to refer to a specialist and associated referral protocols
o Implant success, survival and failure, including maintenance and follow-up
o Diagnosis and management of periimplantitis
o A review of restorative components
o Tissue management and impression techniques
o Immediate vs delayed loading
o Splinting implants
o Prosthesis design, including cement vs screw retained crowns
o Temporization
o Evaluation of component fit and occlusion
o Management of prosthetic and soft tissue complications
o A review of surgical principles
o Sequencing treatment
o Multidisciplinary collaboration
o Vertical dimension of occlusion
Current Status:
Required Course
A hands-on course in restorative dentistry, covering the following topics:
o Clinical and radiographic diagnosis of caries
o Understanding caries severity and activity
o Caries risk assessment
o Appropriate radiographic prescribing and interpretation
o Treatment planning
o Treatment versus monitoring of carious lesions
o Minimally invasive and preventive therapies
o Material selection
o Preparation, caries removal and restoration with direct (composite resin) restorations, including proper isolation
o Management of deep caries
o Management of complications, including pulp exposure and pulpal/periodontal responses
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses and mentorship
Required Mentoring Program
With a specialist who will review and assess the adequacy of restorative and implant dentistry on complex cases.

This information was obtained from the register of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (