Douglas Caine
- Full Name:
- Douglas Arthur Caine
- Registration Number:
- 9248
- Current Status:
- Member
- Designated Electoral District:
- District 6
Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct
Practice Information
Primary Practice
Albert Street Dental Office
- Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
- No
- CT Scanner Facility Permit:
- No
See Hide All Practice Locations
All Practice Locations
Albert Street Dental Office
- Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
- No
- CT Scanner Facility Permit:
- No
Summerside Dental
- Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
- No
- CT Scanner Facility Permit:
- No
See Hide Professional Corporation Information
Professional Corporation Information
Dr. Douglas A. Caine Dentistry Professional Corporation
128 Somerset Cres
London, ON, CA
N6K 3M4
Phone: 519-657-7399
- Certificate of Authorization Status:
- Current
- Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
- January 29, 2015
Academic Information
Dental Degree
- 1980
- University of Western Ontario, Canada
This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.
Certificate(s) of Registration
Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance
- General
Previous Certificate(s) of Registration
- General
- -
- General
- -
- General
- -
Initial Date of Registration
Sedation & Anesthesia Details
Sedation Administration Authorization
Minimal Nitrous Oxide/Oral SedationComplaints & Reports Outcomes
Case File: 22-0096
- Decision Date:
- July 26, 2024
- Current Status:
- Completed
As a result of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Douglas Arthur Caine as follows: • He has a statutory obligation to co-operate with a College investigation and respond to inquiries from his regulator in a timely manner. The Committee cautions the Dentist about his lack of professionalism and co-operation with this investigation when required to provide records to the College.
Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program
- Current Status:
- Completed
- Required Course
The College’s course in dental recordkeeping.
- Current Status:
- Completed
- Required Course
The ODA’s course “Informed Consent: A Guide to Understanding the Consent Process in the Dental Office.”
- Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 12 months following completion of courses.
Case File: 22-0783
- Decision Date:
- November 21, 2024
Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program
- Current Status:
- Under Appeal by Member
- Required Course
A course in Endodontic treatment, including the following components: o Access and canal location o Length determination o Cleaning, shaping and disinfection of the root canal system o Procedural errors and management of complications o Obturation o Temporization o Evaluation of case difficulty, when to refer to a specialist and associated referral protocols o Management of pain and infection o Associated recordkeeping and informed consent
- Current Status:
- Under Appeal by Member
- Required Course
A course in Restorative Dentistry with a focus on indirect restorations, including the following components: o Diagnosis and treatment planning for indirect restorations (crowns) o Appropriate diagnostic records o Indications and contraindications for crowns o Consideration of remaining tooth structure o Evaluation of retention, fit, marginal integrity, contacts, and occlusion o Cementation o Associated recordkeeping and informed consent
Discipline Results
Case File: H040021
- Date of Decision:
Guilty- Failed to comply with order of the Discipline Committee or Fitness to Practise Committee
- $3,500.00 to be paid to College
- Reprimand
- Suspension First 45-day period3 months, to be served in two periods of 45 days each (to be completed within 12 months of order becoming final. - effective Aug 02, 2008 to Sep 15, 2008
- Suspension Second 45-day period - effective Sep 29, 2008 to Nov 11, 2008
- Appealed:
- No
- Publications:
- (See link to Decision Summary)
Decision Summary
Case File: H010007
- Date of Decision:
Guilty- Failed to keep records as required by the Regulations
- Failed to provide accurate information to the College
- Failed to reply appropriately or within a reasonable time to a written enquiry made by the College
- Falsified a record
- Signed a certificate, report or similar document that contained a false, misleading or improper statement
- Submitted a false or misleading account or charge
- $93,942.82 to be paid to College
- Imposed Course/Training EthicsEthics
- Imposed Practice Monitoring (office visits)
- Reprimand
- Suspension 12 months - effective May 24, 2004 to May 23, 2005
- Appealed:
- No
- Publications:
- (See link to Decision Summary)
Decision Summary