Michelle Gauthier
- Full Name:
- Michelle Ann Gauthier
- Registration Number:
- 72855
- Current Status:
- Member
- Designated Electoral District:
- District 6
Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct
Practice Information
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All Practice Locations
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Professional Corporation Information
Michelle A. Gauthier Dentistry Professional Corporation
988 Adirondack Rd
London, ON, CA
N6K 4W8
Phone: 519-207-8880
- Certificate of Authorization Status:
- Revoked - Corporation Ceased to Practice Dentistry
- Date of revocation:
- August 09, 2023
- Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
- February 27, 2015
Academic Information
Dental Degree
- 2007
- University of Western Ontario, Canada
This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.
Certificate(s) of Registration
Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance
- General
Initial Date of Registration
Pending Discipline
Case File: 23-0759
- Date of Referral to the Discipline Committee:
- Current Status:
- Pending (to be scheduled)
- Abuse of a patient
- Disgraceful, dishonourable, unprofessional or unethical conduct
- Sexual abuse of a patient
Complaints & Reports Outcomes
Terms, Conditions and Limitations In Effect
Case File: 23-0074
Status: In Effect
- The Registrar is directed to impose the following terms, conditions or limitations on Dr. Michelle Gauthier’s certificate of registration: 1. Dr. Gauthier shall not interact with any patients using electronic mail or text messaging of any kind, and shall not interact with any patients using any social media application. For clarity, this does not prohibit Dr. Gauthier’s associates, employees or dental office staff from contacting patients through electronic means for a purpose relating to the patient’s dental care. 2. Dr. Gauthier shall submit to, and not interfere with, unannounced inspections of her practice location(s), by the College or a College representative, including but not limited to, inspections of her electronic communications and patient records, in order to monitor Dr. Gauthier’s compliance with the terms of this order. 3. Dr. Gauthier shall post a notice, in the form and content prescribed by the College, that shall be visible in the office at all locations where she practises dentistry advising of the terms, conditions and limitations on her certificate of registration. 4. Should Dr. Gauthier breach any of the terms, conditions or limitations at paragraphs (1), (2) and (3), her certificate of registration shall be subject to immediate suspension by the College.
- Imposed Practice Restriction
- Interim Order
- In Effect Since: