Public Consultations
We need your help to refine our documents, regulations and by-laws.
We invite all interested parties, including dentists, health care organizations, patients and the public to participate in our consultations.
Share your opinions on various topics including:
- Access to Care
- Strategic Projects
- Standards of Practice
- Provincial Regulations
You can provide feedback via email or by taking an online survey.
Scroll down to see open consultations.
If you would like to receive notifications about future consultations, send us an email and we will add you to our mailing list.
Open Consultations
Closed Consultations
This consultation is now closed.
The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (RCDSO) has drafted regulation amendments that will create a new emergency class certificate of registration.
Tell us what you think by reviewing the draft regulation amendments and responding to a short survey.
In an effort to bolster Ontario’s health workforce and improve health resource planning in emergency situations, the Provincial Government has enacted the Pandemic and Emergency Preparedness Act, 2022.
Under this Act, the Ministry is requiring all of Ontario’s health regulatory Colleges to develop a new emergency class certificate of registration, with the aim of reducing barriers for new applicants in emergency situations (e.g., in response to a new pandemic).
The introduction of a new class of licensure requires Colleges to amend existing regulations governing membership registration.
In keeping with the Ministry’s requirements, RCDSO has developed draft amendments to its current Registration Regulation and is circulating those draft amendments for public consultation.
Details concerning the proposed emergency class certificate of registration can be found in the draft regulation, but some key highlights include the following:
- the emergency class of registration will only be open for registration in limited circumstances: if either the Provincial Government requests it or RCDSO Council decides that it is in the public interest to open the class to address emergency circumstances;
- there are specific requirements that individuals must fulfill in order to be eligible for an emergency class of licensure, along with requirements for oversight and monitoring to ensure appropriate public protections once an applicant is registered; and
- emergency certificates of registration expire when Council declares the emergency situation over.
How to comment
The Ministry has required that these regulations be approved by the Lieutenant Governor in Council by August 31, 2023.
In order to meet this timeline, RCDSO is moving quickly. We are inviting feedback on the draft regulation for the mandatory 60-day consultation period, with a deadline of March 24, 2023.
All feedback can be provided via this survey link:
Your feedback is important to us, and all comments will be carefully reviewed and used to help evaluate the draft.
Thank you for participating!
This consultation is now closed.
The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario has drafted a new draft Standard of Practice on Virtual Care (also known as “teledentistry”). We have also developed a separate FAQ resource as a companion to the Standard.
Tell us what you think by reviewing the draft Standard and FAQs and emailing us or responding to our online survey.
Why we developed a new Standard
The growing use of technology to deliver dental care remotely has prompted questions regarding the legal, professional and ethical considerations when dentists provide virtual care. In response, RCDSO Council struck a Working Group to develop a Standard of Practice in 2019. Their initial work helped inform the development of RCDSO’s COVID-19: Guidance for the Use of Teledentistry in 2020.
The Working Group has now developed a new draft Standard of Practice on Virtual Care with the intention of replacing the COVID-19-specific guidance document with this permanent Standard.
Tell us what you think
We want you to help us refine the new Standard of Practice on Virtual Care. The draft sets out the requirements that Ontario dentists must adhere to when:
- assessing the appropriateness of virtual care;
- providing virtual care; and
- providing virtual care across borders.
The requirements will help ensure the delivery of safe, effective and quality dental care that is in the patient’s best interest.
We also want to know what you think of the draft FAQ we developed to provide additional information and guidance on virtual care (e.g., on consultations and referrals, cross-border virtual care and liability protection).
We are interested to know whether:
- The expectations set out in the draft Standard clear and reasonable
- All issues that should be addressed are considered in the draft Standard or FAQs
- The FAQs provide useful information and guidance
How to comment
Send us an email or complete our online survey (click here to download the PDF list of questions).
Your feedback is important to us. We carefully review all comments and use your feedback to help evaluate the drafts. RCDSO Council will ultimately determine what revisions will be made when finalizing and approving the Standard of Practice.
Please provide your feedback by August 25, 2023.
Thank you for participating!
At its September 21, 2023 meeting, the Council of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario approved by-law amendments in principle to the RCDSO’s fees bylaw related to the new emergency class of registration.
The proposed amendments would enable the College to:
- Require emergency class registrants to pay an annual fee of $1,000. Registrants would also be subject to a $1,000 annual fee in each year thereafter, if the emergency persists and their certificate is renewed.
- Waive the application fee for emergency class registrants applying for full licensure post-emergency.
Registrants will also be required to pay a $150 application fee. This amount is consistent with other RCDSO short duration certificates of registration.
The emergency class regulation, approved by Council and in force as of August 31, 2023, includes an exemption for application fees for emergency class registrants wishing to apply for full licensure within three years post-emergency.
To enable the waiver of this application fee, Council has approved bylaw amendments in principle to include an exemption for applicants transitioning to full licensure from the emergency class.
Read the proposed by-law amendments.
How to comment
Your input is important; please send any comments to no later than November 24, 2023.
A final version of the by-laws, including any revisions made as a result of your feedback, will be brought to Council at its December 2023 meeting for approval.
Thank you for participating!
This consultation is now closed.
The Professional Liability Program (PLP) has provided assistance to Ontario dentists for over 50 years. PLP staff and RCDSO Council members have been dedicated to the promotion of patient safety and responsible dentistry. In 2022, RCDSO Council established an Expert Review Task Force to review the PLP program, outline any risks and recommend options to mitigate these risks.
The Task Force developed a report which was presented to Council on September 21st for discussion and deliberation. The Task Force identified several risks with the PLP program, foremost among them reputational, regulatory and financial. After considerable discussion and debate, Council directed staff to explore the option of divesting from direct ownership and operation of PLP.
We need your input
We are asking all members to please complete a short survey to identify your views on the elements of PLP, and what you consider important as we explore the divestment process. You are encouraged to complete the survey, whether or not you have had any experience with PLP.
The survey can be completed in 5 minutes and can be accessed here:
It will be open for two weeks, closing on November 16th so that the results can be included at the December 7th Council meeting.
If you have any further questions, visit the PLP information page which includes a link to frequently asked questions and the Expert Task Force Report.
This consultation is now closed.
At its December 7, 2023 meeting, Council approved, in principle, changes to By-law 28.2 (Additional Information on the Public Register).
Review the proposed changes.
The College's Governance Committee proposed these by-law amendments, which include adding the registrant’s electoral district to the public register. The registrant’s electoral district is the electoral district in which the registrant is eligible to vote and stand for election. Displaying each registrant’s electoral district on the public register will enable registrants to self-search their electoral district and improve transparency.
How to comment
Your input is important; please send any comments to no later than February 12, 2024.
A final version of the by-laws, including any revisions made as a result of your feedback, will be brought to Council at its March 2024 meeting for approval.
Thank you for participating!
Many Ontarians face barriers in accessing oral health care, and we believe this issue must be addressed.
Access to Care is a key priority for the College and is one of six strategic projects in the RCDSO’s 2023-2025 Strategic Plan.
We are seeking your feedback to help inform the development of two new documents:
- A standard of practice to set out dentists’ legal, professional and ethical obligations when accepting new patients into their practices; and
- A professionalism guide to set out the values, principles and duties dentists have as professionals.
Once the new documents are drafted, RCDSO Council will consider releasing them for external consultation.
Your participation is important
Send us an email or complete our online survey by April 21, 2024.
Click here to download a PDF list of the survey questions.
We will carefully review all comments and use your feedback in the development of the new draft documents.
Thank you for participating!
Dental practice models are the types of operational or business arrangements in which dentistry is practised. Dentists and the public have raised questions about the care provided through different practice models, including emerging models such as corporate dentistry and direct-to-consumer dentistry.
For this reason, the College has committed to ‘Practice Models and Corporate Dentistry’ as a three-year Strategic Project under the Emerging Issues pillar of the College’s 2023-25 Strategic Plan (more detailed information about the project can also be found here).
The objectives for this strategic project are:
- to better understand dental practice models that are operating in Ontario
- to identify issues and opportunities related to various dental practice models, including corporate dentistry
- to develop options to promote and assure quality of care and ensure effective regulation of dentists regardless of practice model type.
Tell us what you think
We are seeking your feedback to better understand the experiences and opinions of dentists, patients, and other interested parties concerning dental practice models in Ontario. Key findings and options identified through this project will be presented in a research report which will be shared with RCDSO Council to support decision-making and published online.
Complete the survey here or send us an e-mail by June 3, 2024. You can click here to download a PDF with all the survey questions.
The survey should take approximately 15 to 25 minutes to complete. All individual responses will remain anonymous.
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you for participating!
We want to learn more about your views on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in dentistry to inform the development of a College document setting out relevant guidance for dentists using AI.
AI can have many uses in the field of dentistry. These can include, but are not limited to:
- Acting as virtual assistants or chat bots (i.e., AI that mimics human conversation) to schedule appointments and provide general information to patients
- Analyzing x-rays and other imaging to assist in detecting and diagnosing conditions and diseases, such as cavities or gum disease
- Developing personalized treatment plans and predicting treatment outcomes for patients
- Transcribing conversations and assisting with generating chart notes for patient records
- Assisting with remote disease monitoring for patients at home
- Creating custom education materials for patients.
We need your input
Please complete our 10-15 minute survey by July 14, 2024.
You can also download a PDF list of the survey questions. If you are representing an organization, you may prefer to send us an email with your responses attached.
If you have any questions about this survey or the standards review and development process, please email RCDSO’s Policy Team or visit our website.
Please note the identity of all individual respondents will be kept strictly confidential, and your feedback is anonymous. Responses submitted from individuals on behalf of organizations will be attributed to the organization and not the individual respondent.
With significant advancements in implant dentistry, the College is developing updated requirements and guidance to support dentists and promote safe and effective care for patients.
We want to hear your thoughts on the current Educational Requirements and Professional Responsibilities for Implant Dentistry guideline to help us inform the development of new requirement and guidance materials.
Survey details
The survey can be accessed here and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The deadline to provide feedback is 11:59 p.m. on October 20, 2024.
Survey responses will be saved and submitted when you click the ‘Next’ or ‘Done’ button on each page of the survey. You may complete a portion of the survey and return later to finish the survey or edit your responses, however, you must use the same device and web browser that you used to start the survey.
If you are responding on behalf of an organization, you may prefer to download a PDF of the survey and submit your responses to
Your feedback is anonymous. Responses submitted by individuals on behalf of organizations will be attributed to the organization and not the individual respondent.
All survey responses will be carefully reviewed, and a summary of the feedback received will be provided to RCDSO’s Council after this preliminary consultation closes.
If you have any questions about this survey or RCDSO’s standards review and development process, you can visit RCDSO’s website or email our Policy team.
The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario is seeking feedback on our current Maintaining a Professional Patient-Dentist Relationship practice advisory which sets out requirements and guidance related to:
- building a professional patient-dentist relationship
- resolving interpersonal conflicts that arise between the patient and the dentist
- ending the professional patient-dentist relationship.
Tell us what you think
Your feedback will help inform the development of updated requirements and guidance to promote safe and effective care for patients.
The survey can be accessed here and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. The deadline to provide feedback is 11:59 p.m. on October 20, 2024.
Survey responses will be saved and submitted when you click the ‘Next’ or ‘Done’ button on each page of the survey. You may complete a portion of the survey and return later to finish the survey or edit your responses, however, you must use the same device and web browser that you used to start the survey.
If you are responding on behalf of an organization, you may prefer to download a PDF of the survey and submit your responses to
Your feedback is anonymous. Responses submitted by individuals on behalf of organizations will be attributed to the organization and not the individual respondent.
All survey responses will be carefully reviewed, and a summary of the feedback received will be provided to RCDSO’s Council after this preliminary consultation closes.
If you have any questions about this survey or RCDSO’s standards review and development process, you can visit RCDSO’s website or email our Policy team.
The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario is seeking feedback on our new draft Standard “Prevention of Boundary Violations and Sexual Abuse” which sets out updated requirements and guidance to ensure safe and effective care for patients.
We have also developed a Case Scenarios document as a companion to the draft Standard which illustrates some of dentists’ key professional, legal and ethical obligations.
Feedback on the draft Standard and case scenarios can be submitted via an online survey (click here to download the survey questions in advance).
If you are representing an organization, you may prefer to send us an email with your responses attached.
The survey will take approximately 25 minutes to complete, and the deadline to provide feedback is 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on December 5, 2024.
Your feedback is important to us. We carefully review all comments and use your feedback to help evaluate the drafts. RCDSO Council will ultimately determine what revisions will be made when finalizing and approving the Standard of Practice.
If you have any questions about this survey or RCDSO’s Standards review and development process, please see RCDSO’s website or email the Policy team here.
The Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario is seeking feedback on our new draft Standard “Consent to Treatment”. The draft Standard updates the College’s current Practice Advisory and sets out comprehensive guidance for obtaining valid consent to treatment.
Tell us what you think
We want to hear your thoughts on the draft Standard.
Feedback can be submitted via an online survey (click here to download the survey questions in advance). If you are representing an organization, you may prefer to send us an email with your responses attached.
The survey will take approximately 15 minutes to complete, and the deadline to provide feedback is 11:59 p.m. (EDT) on December 5th, 2024.
Your feedback is important to us. We carefully review all comments and use your feedback to help evaluate our drafts. RCDSO Council will ultimately determine what revisions will be made when finalizing and approving the Standard of Practice.
If you have any questions about this survey or RCDSO’s Standards review and development process, please see RCDSO’s website or email the Policy team at
RCDSO is consulting on draft amendments to the Registration Regulation under the General Regulation (O. Reg. 205/94) of the Dentistry Act.
These proposed changes relate primarily to the divestment of RCDSO’s Professional Liability Program (PLP), which was approved by College Council in 2023. Highlights of the proposed amendments include:
- Requiring all members to have professional liability protection to be registered
- Establish an ongoing obligation to maintain professional liability protection
- Introducing a mechanism to suspend a member if professional liability is not maintained and accompanying reinstatement provisions
Additional changes are being proposed to streamline registration processes. These changes include:
- Work authorization requirements: introducing a mechanism to ensure that dentists cannot practice without appropriate work authorization once registered
- Continuous practice requirements: amendments to streamline the process of allowing dentists to work in Ontario after a period of time out of practice
- Adding additional exclusions to the reinstatement provisions to enhance public protection
For more information you can view a track-changes version of the draft regulation.
Provide your feedback
Complete the survey here or send us an e-mail by March 25, 2025.
The survey should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. All individual responses will remain anonymous.
If you have any questions, please email
Thank you for participating!