Dmitri Svirsky

Full Name:
Dmitri Svirsky
Registration Number:
Current Status:
Designated Electoral District:
District 9
  • Prosthodontist

Concerns, Conditions and/or Professional Misconduct

Practice Information


Primary Practice

Avenue Dental Centres

141 Sheppard Ave W Toronto, ON, CA M2N 1M7
(416) 222-1518
Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
CT Scanner Facility Permit:
View Facility Permits
See Hide All Practice Locations

All Practice Locations

  • Avenue Dental Centres
    141 Sheppard Ave W Toronto, ON, CA M2N 1M7
    (416) 222-1518
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:
    View Facility Permits
  • 40 Sheppard Ave W #100 Toronto, ON, CA M2N 6K9
    Sedation & Anesthesia Facility Permit:
    CT Scanner Facility Permit:
See Hide Professional Corporation Information

Professional Corporation Information

  • Dr. Svirsky Dentistry Professional Corporation 141 Sheppard Ave W Toronto, ON, CA M2N 1M7 Phone: (416) 222-4488
    Certificate of Authorization Status:
    Cancelled at Corporation's Request
    Date of Cancellation:
    December 09, 2020
    Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
    October 28, 2019
  • Dr. Svirsky Dentistry Professional Corporation 141 Sheppard Ave W Toronto, ON, CA M2N 1M7 Phone: 416-222-4488
    Certificate of Authorization Status:
    Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
    December 09, 2020
  • D. Svirsky Dentistry Professional Corporation 141 Sheppard Ave W Toronto, ON, CA M2N 1M7 Phone: 416-222-4488
    Certificate of Authorization Status:
    Certificate of Authorization Issuance:
    February 14, 2007

Academic Information


Specialty Training

Boston University, United States

Dental Degree

Dnepropetrovsk Red Labour Banner Medical Institute, Ukraine
Boston University, United States

This may not be a complete record of the member's academic information or continuing education.

Certificate(s) of Registration


Current Certificate(s) of Registration and Date(s) of Issuance

Specialty - Prosthodontist

Initial Date of Registration

Sedation & Anesthesia Details


Sedation Administration Authorization

Oral Moderate Sedation

Allowed to act as a visiting provider?

See All Associated Sedation & Anesthesia Facilities
  • Address:
    141 Sheppard Ave W Toronto, ON, CA M2N 1M7
    Phone #:
    (416) 222-1518
    Permit Status:
    Permit Type:
    Type A and Type B
    Facility Modality:
    Deep Sedation - General Anesthesia, Deep Sedation/General Anesthesia
    View Facility Permits

Dental CT Scanner Authorizations


CT Authorization:

Dentoalveolar CT Scans
See All Associated CT Facilities
  • Address:
    141 Sheppard Ave W Toronto M2N 1M7
    Phone #:
    (416) 222-1518
    Permit Status:
    Permit Type:
    Last Inspection Date:
    November 11, 2016
    View Facility Permits

Complaints & Reports Outcomes


Case File: 160092

Decision Date:
March 11, 2018


Current Status:
As a result of its investigation of a complaint, the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee decided to caution Dr. Dmitri Svirsky as follows:

•	Dr. Svirsky must ensure that any treatment plan he proposes can actually be performed. If he recommends a treatment plan involving materials that are not yet approved by Health Canada, he should ensure that the patient is aware of this limitation and should also have informed consent discussions with the patient about alternatives should the materials not become available. Continued delays in the availability of materials may necessitate significant changes to the treatment plan, and this should be considered in advance of any treatment being provided.

•	In order for consent to be informed, the dentist must provide the patient with certain information: the diagnosis or problem noted, nature and purpose of the proposed treatment along with the risks and benefits of such treatment, the treatment alternatives available along with the associated risks and benefits, the likely consequences of not having the treatment, and the cost of each treatment option. Although either verbal or written consent are both legally acceptable, verbal consent should be confirmed in writing where treatment is extensive and also where the costs are significant. Verbal and/or written consent should be clearly documented in the patient record.

•	It is inappropriate to place permanent restorations, such as crowns, on teeth with infection present. In addition, where Dr. Svirsky has obtained an opinion from an endodontist recommending that a tooth is likely non-restorable and should be extracted, he should take appropriate steps to follow up on this recommendation in terms of diagnosing issues about such a tooth. He should also clearly document his justification if he does not follow the recommendation of another specialist.

Specified Continuing Education or Remedial Program

Current Status:
Required Course
Informed Consent 
Current Status:
Required Course
Recordkeeping, including informed consent
Current Status:
Required Practice Monitoring - Office Visits
Practice to be monitored for 24 months following completion of courses in recordkeeping and informed consent

This information was obtained from the register of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario (